Foster Family Highlight
“With a heart full of kindness, Lewis took it upon himself to welcome every child who entered their home.”
The Connected Difference
Amidst the challenges of the foster care system, a team of dedicated individuals at Connected Foster Care, a private foster care agency in Arkansas, stepped up to make a difference in the lives of eight siblings in need.
A Special Celebration
Today, Jess stands strong as a testament to resilience and strength.
Hope For The Journey
The 2nd annual Hope for the Journey Conference hosted by the Connected team served over 100 attendees in 4 locations.
130 Strong
Allen Elkins shares some insight on the past, present, and future of our Monticello campus. We are 130 years strong and the best is yet to come!
Thank You for Your Generosity!
A Desired Haven Family Care mom was able to visit our Toy Store at our Markham Central office and pick out gifts for her son thanks to your generous giving!
His Abundant Provision
This Easter, hear about how God provided Easter basket blessings for foster families in Pine Bluff!
Weathering the Storm
Hear how our Connected Foster Care & Adoptions families in Wynne were able to brave the tornado and provide care for their families.
A Christmas Connection
Partnering together provides special memories for siblings in foster care.
Building a Better Arkansas
Celebrate with us as we open our central location! Thank you to all who joined us for Open House. Your support is helping us build a better Arkansas.
I Will Wait For You
A Little Rock Family Care Home mom writes a beautiful poem about who Jesus is.
Making a House a Home
Desired Haven Family Care’s program covers seven areas of stability, which assists mothers to build a strong foundation in their own family, and “build” a house of their own.
Sweet Way of Putting It
A Connected Foster Care mother remembers her calling, and shares her heart for her placement and their biological family.
A Mother’s Poem
A Desired Haven Family Care mom shares a glimpse into the life of single motherhood through poetry.