Hope for Every Child
You can support an expectant mother’s life-giving choice to place her child for adoption by becoming a waiting family. We will prepare and support you on this journey of adoption.
“Through this role with ABCFM, I get to love on another group - expectant women in crisis. I love rallying around them, offering support and direction. I am able to help them get to a safe and healthy place so that they are equipped to parent their child, and if they decide that adoption is the best parenting decision for their baby, I get to help them navigate that process too.”
Bridging Expectant Mothers and Waiting Families
Connected Adoptions is doing adoption differently. Our mission is to meet the needs of the vulnerable children of Arkansas. The greatest need is for foster homes. For Connected foster families who want to take the next step in welcoming vulnerable children, we provide the pathway for private, infant adoption. Our missional approach to adoption prioritizes the needs of the expectant mother and her baby and equips waiting families to provide a healthy future for a child.
Each of our ministries at ABCFM, Connected Foster Care & Adoptions, Desired Haven Family Care, and Living Well Counseling, work together to provide all-encompassing wrap around services to an expectant mother, waiting family, and child. We want to give a child the best opportunity to experience a healthy future. This ministry of infancy adoption seeks to:
Champion the brave, life-giving choice of an expectant mother
Remove the barriers that hinder loving families from adoption
Bridge an expectant mother to the right waiting family for her baby
Equip families with the services needed for a healthy future
When you become a waiting family, you are stepping into ministry to a mother with an unexpected pregnancy and an infant who needs a forever family. Our services will support her with the care and compassion she deserves while we train and equip you to say yes to her child.
Removing the Barriers to Child-Centered Adoption
The most significant barrier in adoption is for waiting families to be compelled by seeing the bravery of the expectant mother, who has made this life-giving choice. We guide waiting families to support and champion her success first and foremost. Our adoptive families are assigned a Connected Caseworker who walks them through an extensive assessment process to ensure families are in alignment with our mission to seek the best interest of a child. Our desire is for waiting families to better understand the birth mother’s experience when her child is placed for adoption and value her place in her child’s story.
The next barrier is that adoptive families usually lack the training to provide the best care for an adopted child. While a family waits, we prepare them to be the best family for a child. We equip them with the experience of caring for children with complex histories. This training includes our adoptive families serving as foster or respite families supporting family reunification as they wait for an adoptive child. Further, our Connected Caseworkers continue to provide ongoing services to our adoptive families, along with our Living Well Counselors, to equip our families with the skills needed to successfully welcome a child.
The final barrier is the significant cost of adoption that often prevents the best families from adopting. We eliminate those costs because our heart is for a child to have a loving family. The collective work of our ministries provides the services typically incurred with adoption, thus eliminating those expenses. Adoption comes with great costs- emotionally, spiritually, mentally. Excessive financial costs should not be one of them.
A family who first asks, “What is it like for her?” is a family that is ready to become a waiting family.
The compassion and understanding will compel them to champion an expectant mother’s life-giving choice, want her best future, and value her significant sacrifice. She is part of her child’s story and she should be seen for her bravery.
Champion a brave mother’s life-giving choice.
Become A Waiting Family
Learn more about our services and the process to become a
Connected Waiting Family.