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“A female in our care stated that this was the first time she felt like she a part of a "real family". We are so thankful we have provided her with a family and lifelong connections.”

“During the first staffing for a case, the children’s birth mom piped up in front of everyone and said with tears in her eyes, “Thank you for taking care of my babies. They speak very highly of you.”

“A mom worked hard to get custody of her children back, and she is making significant progress. She has been reunified with two of them, and she is working hard to get the others as well. Her children are happy to see her making positive changes that benefit them all.”

“One family has so many kids that their vehicle cannot transport them all. Their Connected Case worker is always available to help haul kids and get everyone where they need to go.”

“We are thankful to have the tangible support from our Connected Caseworker and our foster children are blessed to have a team that truly cares about their well-being.”

“We have felt empowered by our Connected caseworker through the amount of support that is shown us. We feel loved and know we are not alone in this calling to foster. We are regularly asked what help is needed and are always given encouragement. When we are faced with difficult situations, we have our Connected caseworker to step in and help us navigate the process in the healthiest way.

“Last week, after a situation with our bonus babe, I was struggling with how I was allowed to feel. Because of Connected, I was able to message our caseworker and talk through it with her. Foster care is hard. Foster care is a roller coaster. Foster care is one of the best decisions our family has ever made. We couldn’t do it without Connected, though.”


We receive so many amazing stories such as these, and though they are only a small glimpse, they represent hours of work put in by our child welfare workers – Connected Foster Care Coordinators and Caseworkers, and those we partner with, to build, strengthen, and restore families.

For our Connected staff, this is not a job. It is their ministry. Modeling the love of Christ to the families and children that they serve is their why. Which results in above and beyond care. As they provide case management, monthly home visits, transportation, crisis management, attending meetings and countless paperwork, they also provide prayer, encouragement, wisdom, a listening ear, and even fun activities for the families. And maybe even a meal or a load of laundry!

A Connected foster family recently experienced an overwhelming set of circumstances and not only did their church step in to provide help, but their Connected Caseworker also showed up to take their laundry!

Because this is child welfare worker appreciation week, we want to recognize and thank them for the hours of dedication they give to our foster families. We appreciate all they do in caring for the children in foster care, the birth parents and assisting them in reunification, and for supporting the foster families so that they can change a child’s tomorrow.

We also thank our foster families. Thank you for being willing to take children into your family and adjust to meet their needs. Your dedication and passion for these children does not go unnoticed. We know and understand the sacrifices you make, and we hope this encourages you to know, you are not alone. You have many that surround and support you.

Our Connected staff and families are one of the primary reasons we are able to see families restored across Arkansas, and this week we want to celebrate you. We thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your ministry. We see and recognize your efforts, and we appreciate all you do for families across our state.


