written by Christen Hayes, Jonesboro Family Care Case Manager

“Turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding.” ~ Proverbs 2:2

What do you do when you want to help but you don’t know how? Heeding the advice that Solomon provides in Proverbs 2:2 is a good place to start. When you pause to listen and seek to understand, you can identify the need. It is then that you are able to work towards meeting the need.

Moms have a tendency to put others first rather than speak up for their own needs. Single moms especially struggle with this, having no other adult in the family encouraging her to voice her needs. What if you become a listening ear for a single mom in your church, neighborhood, or at work? Ask her how life is going and listen to understand. Single moms greatly need this support and encouragement. They need you to better understand what they are going through so that you can effectively help.  

Single moms carry these struggles and long to share them with someone willing to listen:

“I might have a good, confident face on, but it’s covering up a face of fear. Fear of failing myself, my children, God.”

“I’m afraid I’m not enough.”

“We are trying to balance stressors that you can’t always see.” 

“I’m overwhelmed. I don’t feel like I have enough time to do everything I need to do.” 

“I am still learning how to be a parent. Sometimes I feel like I have no idea what to do.”

“I’m trying to be two parents.” 

“I love my children. They are amazing!” 

“I long to be surrounded by other strong women, rooted and grounded in God’s Word.”

“It’s so important for me to be connected with other women who have experienced raising up children to share their wisdom with me.” 

“I’m longing for a life partner. I’m lonely.” 

“At the end of the day everything falls on me, financials, house repairs, vehicle, parenting decisions, meal preparation, after school activities, homework help, laundry, etc. All of that is a weight on me.”

“I don’t have anyone to come in and back me up or support me.” 

By taking time to listen and understand, you can begin to develop a trusting relationship with a single mom in your life. Through walking beside her during this journey, you can help her carry the load that is weighing her down. If you point her to Christ through love and support, you help strengthen a family for God’s glory.

If you are interested in becoming a Desired Haven Advocate, please contact the Advocate Recruiter for your area. We would love to prepare and equip you to walk alongside a family to provide a listening ear and an understanding heart during an uncertain time. Learn more at www.desiredhaven.org.


