Jonesboro Family Care Home Resident Manager, Jamie Bennett, shares how she has implemented TBRI®, the trauma-informed intervention utilized across our ministries, into her weekly Bible Study for their Desired Haven families.


“I have always understood the benefit of TBRI skills but found it hard to implement and connect with until I really saw it in action. One night, I was working with a family and teaching the concept of a re-do to the mother and a child. Later that evening, my husband was reading our nightly devotion to our daughter, when TBRI really came to life. He was reading the story of Jonah and telling of how when Jonah was in the belly of the fish, he repented, and God put him right on the shore of Nineveh and let Jonah try again. God was offering Jonah the opportunity to try again after Jonah asked for it and repented of his behavior. I thought in that moment, “Hmm, God just gave Jonah a re-do!” I started searching the Word to find out if other TBRI principles and concepts could be fleshed out and explained to our families. 

Here are a few ways these concepts are found in the Word: 

  • Jonah-Re-dos 

  • Jesus Calms the Storm- Staying Calm No Matter What  

  • Jesus with Zacchaeus- Meet the Need/Find a Way  

I have recently started teaching TRBI to our families at the Jonesboro Desired Haven Family Care Home by showing them how it shows up in the Word. Our families are falling in love with this parenting style. By showing them that God loves us in the same ways, they find it easier to implement these practices with their children. We talk through practical ways that Jesus walked along side and connected to people from hard places, and they are able to translate that to their lives and apply it. I have seen them take ownership and really dig in because they are learning that TBRI is not just theory but a lifeline that can bring true healing to their family and rebuild what was once broken. These examples show our families God’s desire to connect with us and how His Word can guide them on this parenting path.”

We love hearing how our families are being strengthened through God’s Word and the skills they are learning!

“ I love Jamie's bible study. I look forward to them each week. I am soaking it up like a sponge because it is all things I need to know. I love how she relates parenting to the Word of God. It is informative and so helpful!”

~Jonesboro Family Care Mom


