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This time last year, a Connected foster family of a teen mom felt discouraged and may have given up if it hadn’t been for the community of support they received. After a year in their home, challenges began to arise with the teen. To compile their struggle, the pandemic hit leaving the teen mom at home from school during the day while the foster mom worked.

Their Connected caseworker partnered with DCFS to help the foster family come up with goals and a plan to help the teen mom be successful, help her prepare for graduation, and remain in the foster home.

They weren’t the only ones involved in her success. It also took the support of another foster family they were connected with in their church. She was able to spend workdays with the family while the foster mom worked and during that time, became a mentor to her. It must have been difficult at times to work toward these ends, motivate this young mom, and find togetherness in supporting her.

But they didn’t give up.

None of them did. In fact, the young mom finished her junior and senior year of high school at the same time working online. She completed driver’s education, got her license, and was able to find a job. She was driven to reach her goals, but it wouldn’t have been possible without the support and help of her Connected caseworker, her foster family, her mentor family, and DCFS. With all of their assistance, this young mom was able to find triumph over struggles and accomplish her goals, and now has a bright, successful future ahead of her. She is currently applying to colleges, and is looking forward to independent living all because of those who helped her along the way.

All of those involved are so proud of this young woman. This kind of support, the kind that pushes people to reach their ambitions no matter how hard it may seem, and meets them with the kindness and mercy that Jesus displays, is the kind of support that changes someone’s future for the better.

They were even able to give this young mom a gift as a reward for all her hard work. Our Connected staff and her mentor family wanted to surprise her with a car for her 18th birthday. Now she is able to explore independence even more so, and this sets her up for a thriving future. This helps her baby have a hopeful future, as well because her mom is able to reach goals, and accomplish them.

However, it would not have happened if everyone involved did not play their part in the support of this young mom. It took everyone to make this teen more confident in herself and what the future holds for her.



