Our Precious Promise

by Sherry Brooks, the Little Rock Family Care Resident Manager

As I walk around outside today in this enjoyable weather, it always amazes me just how beautiful the area is around our Desired Haven Family Care Home. Everything is coming back to life after a cold, dark winter. The trees are beginning to bud, the jonquils are blooming, the birds are chirping, and the squirrels are running through the woods. It is the spring season, a time for new beginnings. As I walk, I ponder on the new beginnings our families are also awakening to. New jobs, new schools, new walks of life, new relationships! Most important on my heart is the new relationship they have come to know with Jesus Christ, our Savior! It is such a joy to be a part of a ministry that helps to develop not only life skills that will aid them in independent living, but also leads them to a better understanding of how Jesus walks along with them in their journey along the way. 

Some of these women have been following a path of darkness with little or no light to guide them. 

John 8:12 tells us: “Again Jesus spoke to them saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life”.”

What a precious promise we have! He walks with us and we do not have to walk in darkness! These families can walk in newness of life through the “Son-light” that Jesus brings to us. Here at Desired Haven Family Care in Little Rock – we are ready to grasp the new life that has so graciously been provided.


Kind Words are Like Honey


A Recipe for Connection