I Will Wait For You

by: a Little Rock Desired Haven Family Care mother

I will wait for you in the stilled waters under the coveted pastel arches
eternally kissed with my father's promise.
I will wait for you to heal from the trauma the dusty rugs couldn't quite
I will wait until you can say their names without tears.
I will wait until your okays, actually mean OK.
I will be waiting, until you realize that the comfortability of the skin you’re
in, cannot be tailor-made to societies’ measurements.
I will wait patiently outside of the Jericho walls you have built around your
heart, campaigning that my love is unwavering, and my grace is enough.
I will wait with open arms each time you run back to me.
I will wait until the day you relinquish the stronghold you have, on the need
you have to rely on any acceptance that doesn't come from me.
I will wait until your footsteps boldly proclaim my name with every stride
you take
I will wait at the end and the beginning of your journey, so no matter
which direction you run; I will be there to guide you back to me.
As I wait for you, please continue to seek me. Accept my closed doors as
protection, and the new ones as opportunities to experience my promises
to you.
Never worry. I will give you rest in my green pastures. I will restore your
soul. I will feed you from the table I have prepared in the presence of all
those who meant you harm.
I am your provider.
I am your friend


Building a Better Arkansas


Making a House a Home