However Long We Love Them
Our little guy went to his forever home yesterday. At his last therapy appointment this week, his incredible counselor had him dictate a letter to us. This is what was on his heart 2 days before he left us:
“Dear Mr. Daniel, Mrs. Laura, Ella, Riley, Pepper and house,
I am going to miss you at the house. I will always remember you and all the fun things we did like going swimming, visiting family, playing outside, watching TV, playing hot wheels, and doing fireworks. Thank you for the presents, for letting me come to your house and stay spending the nights. Thank you for all the love you gave me and all the food, toys, and fun times. I will always remember you! You were like my (XOXO) family: my mom, dad, bro, sis, and dog. I love you.”
I don’t post this to say, look at us! All too often, I hear people say they could never foster because they would get too attached. As I tell people all of the time, that’s the point! These precious kids need families that will love them as their own for however long they are with them. The “however long” part is not up to us…that’s God’s department. He asks us to be His hands and feet while they’re in our home, and trust Him with the rest. Do we miss our little guy? Of course! But we trust that God’s ways and plans are always right and always better than ours. Are you willing to trust Him and step out in faith so that children in the foster care system know an unconditional love? Yes, it can be scary and uncomfortable, but HE is worth it!