From Heavy to Light
by a Connected Foster Care mother, Mallory Pendergrass
In August 2021 we opened our home to foster care. Going in we had no idea what we were getting into. Tonight, I wiped the tears from our foster’s eyes as he cried and released some of the anger that’s been building up in him. He talked about the trauma he’s endured. He’s angry at the world, angry at us because he doesn’t understand why he’s here and not at home with his family. I just looked at my husband, James, with the most defeated look because I didn’t know how to help.
When laying him down to go to sleep, he looked at me and said, “I love you. Tomorrow is a new day.” Every day I see the joy in his eyes as he plays with my kids. I wish I could share the pictures of him with you after James made him pancakes in the shape of the first letter of his name. The pure joy he had as he yelled, “PANCAKES!” when I told him I wanted to take a picture.
Every step you make, big or small, it’s an impact. This little boy is 4, but he understands more than I would say even most adults understand. It’s heartbreaking and amazing all at the same time. Foster care is not easy, but y’all, it’s so rewarding.
Watching him work through his struggles, I think about our relationship with Christ. He wipes our tears, and He’s there when we’re ready to release our anger. I explained to my foster that he’s not walking through this alone, that James and I are walking right alongside of him, and then I remembered my own walk with Christ – how long I fought with holding my own fears and anger and walked through it alone when I didn’t have to. I keep coming back to this verse. I have studied it for weeks now and it has become one of my favorites:
“Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
He is with us always, and His plans are perfect. Tonight, I can rest easy knowing that all of my kids, biological and foster, are happy, safe, and loved. And I know that my Father’s plans are bigger and greater than my own.